Version 3.6.0 of the WCO Data Model has been released

09 мая 2016

The WCO, under its Data Model Project Team (DMPT), has successfully finalized the production of the version 3.6.0 of the WCO Data Model, a collection of international standards on data and information required not only by Customs, but also by government agencies, developed with the objective of achieving a consensus on the manner in which data will be used in applying regulatory facilitation and controls in global trade.

The Data Model contains data sets for different border procedures, including definitions of data elements, recommended data formats and suggested code lists. The data elements are logically grouped into units of meaningful information, called “information models”. These information models serve as reusable building blocks with which one can build electronic document and data exchange templates.

The Data Model also includes Information Packages, which are standard electronic templates linked to business processes – goods declarations, cargo reports, conveyance reports, licences/permits, and certificates. It is a library of data components and electronic document templates that can be used to effectively exchange business data.

Among others, the new release contains the new European Union (EU) Customs Data Model (CDM) Derived Information Package (DIP). The EU-CDM has been developed based on the WCO Data Model. It is included as the technical annex of the EU Union Customs Code (UCC) and will be used as reference on harmonized and standardized Customs data requirements for the EU Member States.

The new version also contains a report on the conformance of the ASYCUDA information model to the WCO Data Model, particularly on the Import and Export data requirements (Single Administrative Document - SAD). This report can be used by ASYCUDA users as the reference for establishing harmonized exchange of information based on the WCO Data Model.

Additionally, update to several data elements are incorporated in to the new package based on the Data Maintenance Requests (DMR) submitted by Canada, EU, Ghana, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Oman, Sweden, the United Stated of America, UN/ECE (eTIR) as well as UN/CTAD (ASYCUDA).

Last but not least, XML Schemas – a tool for software designers, used to express the structure and constraints of an XML document – enriched with additional information on data element’s attributes are now included in the Data Model. They will enable users to browse the data elements, its structures as well as the attributes of particular information package using any available XML viewer. Additional information now available includes WCO Id, WCO Name, WCO Description, WCO Format representation, Trade Data Element Directory (TDED) Unique Id, as well as the TDED Name.

The Data Model is available free of charge to all government agencies. Please contact the WCO Data Model team for any query. Other interested parties can purchase the tool from the WCO publication website.