Ghana Revenue Authority develops a roadmap to modernize HR with the WCO’s support!

24 ноября 2016

The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) attaches strategic importance to human resource management (HRM). Since its establishment, the GRA has embarked on a major process of HRM reform and modernization, with the support of a number of international organizations and donors (GIZ, IMF, World Bank, DANIDA, etc.). To this end, it has initiated several modernization projects covering the full range of HR practices.

At the request of the GRA, the WCO WACAM Project, funded by Sweden, conducted a support mission to the Modernization Service and HR Department in Accra from 14 to 17 November 2016, with participation by a regional HR expert (West and Central Africa region). The aim of this mission was to draw up a clear roadmap to guide and orient all HRM efforts undertaken by the GRA.

It should be stressed that the GRA HR Department possesses the right documents and tools developed in cooperation with donors. However, the experts highlighted a lack of HRM tools guided by a competency-based approach (jobs catalogue, competency framework, dictionary of competencies, and competency-based job descriptions).

During the mission, the experts took the opportunity to present the WCO WACAM Project approach to developing these tools to members of the HR Department.

At the end of the mission, a meeting was held with the GRA Steering Committee, attended by GIZ and DANIDA representatives and experts, to present and approve the HRM roadmap.

For further information, please contact the WCO WACAM Project Manager, Mr. Richard Chopra (