Tanzania host a National Seminar on the classification of chemical products in the HS and a Workshop on the implementation of its Customs Laboratory with support from WCO, Spanish Customs and NORAD

04 ноября 2016

Under the sponsorship of NORAD (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation), a national WCO Seminar on the classification of chemical products in the Harmonized System (HS) was held in Dar es Salaam on 27 and 28 October. The participants discussed relevant areas of analytic methodology, the modifications introduced in the chemical area of the Harmonized System (HS) 2017 edition, HS classification cases and also considered the possibilities for the implementation of the Customs Laboratory in Tanzania. The role of the Customs Laboratory in the protection of mineral resources in Tanzania was emphasized by the participants. Present at the closing ceremony, Mr. Charles Sabuni, Deputy Rector of the Institute of Tax Administration, Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA), and WCO accredited trainer on HS matters, emphasized the importance of the Customs Laboratory for the correct classification of commodities in the Harmonized System and in the National Tariff.

The Seminar was followed by a National Workshop on the implementation of the Customs Laboratory of Tanzania from 31 October to 4 November in the headquarters of the TRA. The Workshop was co-facilitated by Dr. Miguel Angel Fernández-Arciniega, Customs Chemist from the Spanish Administration. The opening of this activity was officiated by Mr. Jocktan Kyamuhanga, Commissioner for Customs and Excise and Mr. James John Mbunda, Deputy Commissioner of Modernization and Risk Management. In his opening remarks, Mr. Kyamuhanga highlighted the importance of the Customs Laboratory for the correct tariff classification of goods and the efforts of Tanzania Customs in establishing a Customs Laboratory with the highest standards of quality. He also noted the continuous support of the WCO, Spanish Customs and NORAD to meet the demands of Tanzania in its capacity building initiatives and thanked the representative from the WCO Secretariat’s Tariff and Trade Affairs Directorate for facilitating the discussions on Customs Laboratory issues. Tanzania is planning to implement soon a central standard Customs Laboratory in Dar es Salaam in order to better control the tariff classification of the imported commodities as well as for the control of the export of its mineral resources. During the Workshop the group discussed a wide range of Customs Laboratory matters, including the WCO Customs Laboratory Guide, the basic equipment, budget, facilities and staff necessary for the Customs Laboratory and the action plan for the implementation of the Laboratory in Tanzania. At the closing ceremony, Dr. Fernández-Arciniega pointed out that the establishment of a modern Customs Laboratory in Tanzania would be very beneficial for the Tanzania Customs Administration and emphasized the importance of the cooperation and networking between the Customs Laboratories of the Region.