WCO Welcomes APEC Ministerial Statement

21 ноября 2016

The APEC Ministerial Meeting (AMM) was held on 17 and 18 November 2016 in Lima, Peru. The APEC Ministers issued a Joint Ministerial Statement covering APEC initiatives in the field of Customs procedures and trade facilitation, including the implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), Customs control over cross-border e-commerce, integration of the regional economy, simplification of documents and procedures, and transparency.

WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya has welcomed the clear undertaking by the APEC Ministers to continue to pursue effective and secure trade and facilitation in the region based on the international standards developed by the WCO. The WCO’s instruments and tools cover all TFA provisions, and they reflect the experiences and practices of 180 Customs administrations, as well as those of other border agencies, trade and academia.

The Statement commends Single Window Systems International Interoperability to foster the flow of goods, enhance supply chain security, reduce costs and provide quality and timely information on trade across borders. Under the concept of Digital Customs, the WCO actively supports the establishment of the Single Window and interoperability. The WCO Single Window Compendium, Data Model and Globally Networked Customs initiatives will contribute to the APEC initiative.

The WCO will continue to contribute to APEC’s actions by providing expertise to relevant APEC Committees, such as the Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures.