The WCO ESA pool of trainers meet for the 2nd Regional Training of Trainers Workshop

12 октября 2016

This second ToT Workshop[i], financed by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID), enabled to equip the ESA (East and South Africa) pool of trainers with knowledge and skills to deliver training related to a chosen topic;  risk management. The session was held from 26 to 30 September 2016 in Mauritius. It was facilitated by 3 experienced regional facilitators from the ESA RTCs and a Member administration, and involved some pre-learning with the e-learning modules made available on the CLiKC! platform. 17 trainers from 11 administrations from the ESA region did benefit from the workshop and received individual feedback on their performance as trainers. 

The second main objective of the Workshop was to measure the participants’ progression in terms of training techniques and their newly acquired skills from the first ToT workshop held in March 2016. During the intercession, the trainers were expected to deliver training within their administration and be evaluated. By engaging in the ToT project, the participants and their respective administrations have committed to be actively involved in delivering training and to provide feedback on their training practice. At the end of the workshop, the participants have been encouraged to pursue their efforts in performing as trainers in the next few months.

The WCO ESA Training of Trainer (ToT) programme is being implemented to develop a regional pool of trainers by enhancing their training delivery techniques and prepare them to disseminate training within their respective administrations and within the ESA region. This regional initiative was made possible by the collaboration of the ESA Regional Training Centres (RTCs), in conjunction with the ESA Regional Office for Capacity Building, the WCO and the RECs (COMESA, EAC & SADC), who jointly developed the ToT materials and modules.

The region looks forward to extending the ToT programme to develop a pool of French-speaking trainers.

[i] In March 2016, a first ToT workshop gave the opportunity to a pool of trainers from ESA national administrations to be trained on training and facilitation techniques, according to the WCO ESA Training Standards.