Comptroller General of Nigeria Customs Service and his team enjoy Top Executive Retreat

01 сентября 2016

As part of the WCO Leadership and Management Development (LMD) Programme, the WCO organized a Senior Top Executive Retreat (TER) for the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS). The event was held from August 21 to 24, in a remote location in Abuja, offering an opportunity for the NCS Comptroller General and his executives to come together, at a distance from their daily tasks.

NCS pursues with vigor its effort to improve its operations, to balance revenue collection with contributing to economic development through trade facilitation, as well as to strongly combat corruption and improve security along its more than 4.000 kilometers of borders. During the TER these strategic challenges were discussed and brought further, in a very practical way.

Other topics covered included the establishment of an open and effective management culture, improved internal communication, more strategic decision-making and how to lead change management processes. The team was also given an opportunity to gain insight into each other’s thinking and behaviors and focus on team dynamics, as a way to strengthen their ability to work together in shaping the future of the NCS. Time was also devoted to inspire participants in their individual development towards true Leadership skills, attitude and behavior, as well as how to personally use modern management practices.

NCS has made a clear commitment to capacity building in the area of leadership and management development, and this activity is part of an overall programme to achieve this objective. Immediately after the TER, a two week Leadership and Management Development (LMD) workshop is delivered for the benefit of 20 managers at other senior levels. In the near future NCS and WCO will plan other activities as part of the LMD Programme to further sustain NCS’ leadership and management force.

The WCO is pleased with the commitment to implement its ideas in Nigeria and elsewhere in Sub-Saharan Africa. Members interested by what is on offer should contact