WCO and UNCTAD provide joint support to Ghana’s National Trade Facilitation Committee under the Mercator Programme

15 сентября 2016

From 29 August to 01 September, the WCO and UNCTAD carried out a joint capacity-building workshop benefiting 37 representatives of the Ghana’s NTFC, including 18 women. The present mission is the logical follow-up of the previous workshops held in Ghana held in January and May 2016.

The workshop focused on concepts related to the global supply chain, trade facilitation programme, indicators, donor engagement as well as the Revised Kyoto Convention and its importance in relation to the implementation of the WTO TFA. The workshop was delivered in an interactive manner using a blended learning approach, which included presentations, group exercises as well as role plays. By the end of the workshop, the members of the NTFC were able to prepare initial draft project proposals for 2 Category B and 6 Category C measures identified through the previous categorization efforts undertaken by the NTFC.

As part of this workshop, the Botswana Unified Revenue Services shared its experiences and lessons learned as chair of the NTFC in Botswana, thus contributing to the South-South cooperation. The next support mission to Ghana’s NTFC is scheduled to take place at the end of November 2016. All the support provided to Ghana NTFC is funded by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and jointly delivered by the WCO and UNCTAD. For further information about the WCO Mercator Programme, please send your queries to facilitation@wcoomd.org