28 августа 2017
The WCO with support from the Japanese Customs Cooperation Fund (CCF/Japan) and Burkina Faso Customs Administration, organized a Regional Workshop on Digital Customs and E-Commerce from 21 to 24 August 2017 at the Regional Training Centre in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
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25 августа 2017
WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya spoke at the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) Ministerial meeting, held in Maputo, Mozambique on 24-25 August 2017. The objective of this meeting was to review the progress of the TICAD V Yokohama Action Plan and the TICAD VI Nairobi Implementation Plan as well as to seek to identify the actions needed to deliver better on the commitments made in TICAD V and VI.
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25 августа 2017
A WCO workshop on the accreditation of Mercator Programme Advisors (MPAs) for Spanish speakers was held in Fortaleza, Brazil, from 7 to 11 August 2017.
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24 августа 2017
As a follow-up of the national workshop that took place in December 2016 in the field of Human Resources Management (HRM), the chairman of Sudan customs Authority requested the World Customs Organization (WCO) to conduct a national workshop in Sudan, from 20 to 24 August 2017 in order to evaluate the work that was initiated early this year and make proposals to improve the HRM tools which have already been developed. The workshop was funded by HMRC and received support from WACAM project.
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22 августа 2017
Under the auspices of the WCO-WACAM Project funded by Sweden, an expert mission was held to support Mali Customs Administration in the field of HRM from 07 to 11 August 2017 in Bamako, Mali.
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21 августа 2017
Under the auspices of the WCO-INAMA project, the WCO supported the Customs Administration of Cameroon to effectively combat the illicit trade of endangered species protected by the Washington Convention also known as the Cites Convention in the framework of a mission which took place from 7 to 11 August 2017.
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21 августа 2017
Aiming to develop the leadership and management skills of senior and middle managers and to provide them with the tools needed to use their knowledge to effect change in practice, the World Customs Organization was requested, by the Director General of Palestine Customs, to deliver a national 10-day Leadership and Management Development (LMD) Workshop.
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16 августа 2017
On 10 August 2017, the Mexican Tax Administration Service signed an Agreement with Japan on Mutual Assistance and Cooperation in Customs Matters to strengthen existing information exchange schemes and cooperation mechanisms.
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16 августа 2017
With the sponsorship of the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, the World Customs Organization (WCO) conducted a mission to Tanzania from 17th to 28th July 2017 as part of the WCO-Norad Customs Capacity Building Project.
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16 августа 2017
The World Customs Organization (WCO), in cooperation with the WCO Regional Intelligence Liaison Office (RILO) for the Asia/Pacific region, successfully concluded a enforcement operation aimed at combating counterfeiting and piracy in the region.
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11 августа 2017
The World Customs Organization (WCO) is pleased to join the international community in celebrating the World Elephant Day (12 August 2017) under the theme “Bringing the world together to help save the elephants”. It provides an opportunity to underline WCO’s continued support to its Members in the fight against illegal wildlife trade and ivory smuggling in particular, which has become a daily occurrence that requires an effective coordination among Customs administrations and other border agencies.
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11 августа 2017
From 1 to 10 August 2017 Bangladesh hosted a Practical Training on Air Cargo Control in the framework of the UNODC-WCO Container Control Programme (CCP) at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport.
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09 августа 2017
In pursuance of the WCO National Mercator Plan for Sudan, designed to provide sustainable, tailor-made and results-based capacity building support to enable effective implementation of the Trade Facilitation agenda, the WCO organized a 5-day training workshop to strengthen Sudan Customs Authority’s capacities in Time Release Study (TRS).
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07 августа 2017
The third Policy Dialogue between the World Customs Organization (WCO) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) was held on 2 August 2017 at JICA headquarters in Tokyo. On the same day, Secretary General Mikuriya also gave a special lecture to the WCO scholars from ten different countries studying strategic management and intellectual property rights at Aoyama Gakuin University (AGU).
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07 августа 2017
Following the National Mercator Plan for Zimbabwe, designed to provide multi-year, interactive and results-oriented capacity building support to enable effective implementation of the WTO’s Agreement on Trade Facilitation (TFA), the WCO facilitated a workshop to strengthen the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority’s (ZIMRA) capacities on Post Clearance Audit (PCA).
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07 августа 2017
At the invitation of the African Union (AU), the WCO participated in the 4th AU Customs Technical Working Group Meeting on Interconnectivity of Computerized Customs Clearance Systems that was held under the Chair of Zimbabwe from 31 July to 2 August 2017, in Yaoundé, Cameroon.
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07 августа 2017
The World Customs Organization (WCO) and UNCTAD embarked on a joint mission to Liberia, as part of a pilot to implement a Performance Measurement system, jointly funded by UNCTAD and the WCO-Norad Customs Capacity Building Project.
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07 августа 2017
For the past four years, the WCO-Norad Project on Customs Capacity Building in Vietnam has been focusing on capacity building in the area of Stakeholder Engagement. This has included working with Customs Brokers, Consultations, Client Services, and also linked with support to the development of a risk-based Compliance Management strategy.
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04 августа 2017
With sponsorship of CCF China and cooperation of the Chinese and the Spanish Customs Administrations, a WCO National Workshop on the modernization of the Customs Laboratory of Mongolia was held at the Ulaanbaatar Customs House, in Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia), from 31 July to 3 August 2017.
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03 августа 2017
From 17 to 20 July 2017, the Customs administration of Guinea Conakry hosted a national support mission in the framework of the WCO “Customs for Relief of Epidemic Diseases” (C-RED) Project.
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02 августа 2017
At the invitation of the Director General of Customs, VAT and Excise, Ministry of Finance and Planning, State of Palestine, the WCO undertook an evaluation of the delivery of tailor-made track of the Mercator Programme in Palestine.
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