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Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry approved to join ICC WCF international ATA Guarantee Chain

06 июня 2018

As of 1 August 2018, the Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry will become the 77th guaranteeing organization member of the ATA international guarantee chain administered by the International Chamber of Commerce World Chambers Federation (ICC WCF).

The ATA is a system allowing for the free movement of goods across frontiers and their Temporary Admission into a Customs territory with relief from duties and taxes. The goods are covered by a single document known as the ATA carnet that is secured by an international guarantee system. The term "ATA" is a combination of the initial letters of the French words "Admission Temporaire" and the English words "Temporary Admission". The ATA system is an integral part of the Temporary Admission conventions of the WCO, namely the ATA Convention and the Convention on Temporary Admission (the Istanbul Convention).

ATA Carnets will be accepted by the Customs of Qatar under the WCO Istanbul Convention and its Annexes A (Temporary Admission documents) and B1 (concerning goods for display or use at exhibitions, fairs, meetings or similar events) with a reservation in respect of Article 5.1 (a). ATA carnets will be accepted for transit and will not be accepted for postal traffic.

ATA Carnets issued by Contracting Parties to either the ATA Convention or Istanbul Convention, or to both Conventions, will be accepted.

Further practical details have been communicated to the national guaranteeing organizations members of the WCF/ATA international guarantee chain by a note of 11 May 2018.