Malawi officials seconded to Rwanda Revenue Authority for study visit

15 марта 2018

In March 2018, the WCO organized a study visit and secondment for Malawi Revenue Authority officials to the Rwanda Revenue Authority. The main objective of the mission was to build a strong knowledge base in risk management frameworks and identify ways to fully implement ASYCUDA risk management modules.  This activity was co-funded by the HMRC-WCO-UNCTAD Project and the WCO ESA Project II (funded by the Finnish government).

The study visit was planned in line with the recommendations made in the WCO Mercator Implementation Plan as well as the WCO risk management diagnostic study carried out for Malawi.  The reports indicated that MRA would greatly benefit from a study visit to a neighboring ESA Customs administration that could provide the required knowledge and expertise. 

Rwanda Revenue Authority was seen as an ideal choice, not only because it had fairly recently successfully migrated from Asycuda ++ to Asycuda World but it had a well-established Risk Management Unit that was efficiently and effectively collecting, analyzing and utilizing data from a variety of sources.   RRA was keen to assist MRA and this collaboration is an excellent example of regional integration. 

This study visit will strengthen the capacities of MRA in using Intelligence-based risk analysis, coupled with effective information collection and sharing in order to create greater harmonization of risk management approaches and standards across their Organization.