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WCO conducts a Diagnostic mission on Post Clearance Audit for Jordan

08 мая 2018

The Customs administration of Jordan invited the WCO Secretariat to conduct a PCA diagnostic mission to implement an effective PCA infrastructure in line with the recommendations of the WCO PCA Guidelines and the requirements of the World Trade Organization’s Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA).

The objective of a PCA diagnostic is to review, analyze and report on the Administration’s institutional arrangements, as well as the methodologies and techniques used to conduct its post clearance audits.

The PCA diagnostic was conducted from the 28th April to the 3rd May 2018 in Amman, Jordan. The mission covered an introduction of the WCO concept of post clearance audits and presentations on the current risk management and audit processes and procedures followed in Jordan. The experts met with key officials of various directorates for discussions covering, inter alia, Risk Management, Customs Intelligence; Information Technology; Human Resources; Training Centre; Tariff and Trade Agreements, Customs Valuation; Legal Affairs; Control and Inspections directorates. A visit to the Airport Customs Clearance Office in Amman concluded the diagnostic mission.

The representatives of Jordan Customs welcomed the guidance and subject matter discussions with the WCO experts; the PCA Diagnostic mission report will be presented shortly.