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WCO and UPU Support Latin American Region to Strengthen Customs-Postal Cooperation

01 октября 2018

Montevideo, Uruguay, 24-27 September 2018

The World Customs Organization (WCO) and the Universal Postal Union (UPU) with the support of the WCO Regional Office for Capacity Building (ROCB), the Postal Union of the Americas, Spain and Portugal (PUASP) and Uruguay Customs, organized a joint Customs-Post Workshop for the Latin America Sub-Region from 24 to 27 September 2018 in Montevideo, Uruguay.

In their opening remarks, Mr. Enrique Cannon, Director General of Uruguay Customs and Chairperson of the WCO Council, and Mr.Robert Cavanna, Secretary General of PUASP highlighted the opportunity the workshop provided for an enhanced collaboration and the exchange of information between Customs and Post and to explore the challenges presented by the ever growing global E-Commerce trade. The Director General of Uruguay Customs noted that E-Commerce presents great economic opportunities for national economies but there is also a trade-off and that we need to also safeguard and secure the supply chain.

The Joint Workshop was attended by over 50 participants representing Customs administrations and Designated Operators (DOs) from 18 countries of the Latin America Sub-Region:  Argentina,  Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.

The Workshop enhanced participants’ knowledge of the relevant WCO and UPU instruments and tools, strengthened existing cooperative relationships between Customs and postal operators at the national and sub-regional levels, in particular with regard to the electronic exchange of advance information via electronic data interface (EDI) by using the WCO-UPU joint messaging standards.  Additionally, participants enhanced their knowledge on the implementation of the exchange of advance electronic data and security measures from the experts of United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Spanish Post, and La Poste.  The participants also benefited from a site visit to Carrasco International Airport where they were able to observe postal-customs operations at the mail facility.

Some of the related key issues discussed included electronic data capture, data quality, and data confidentiality related to the data exchange processes. National experts shared their unique experiences with respect to the implementation of the Customs Declaration System (CDS), measures to tackle illicit drugs in international mail, and the need for tracking of small packages. 

The CBP expert gave a presentation on a bill being drafted by the U.S. Congress called the STOP ACT.  This bill, if passed and signed by the President of the United States, will eventually require postal operators to provide advance data on mail items to the United States through USPS. 

There were also presentations and discussions on the Exporta and Importa Facil initiatives in the region.  These initiatives have been spearheaded by postal operators in the region in partnership with Customs and other institutions.  The initiatives are in various phases of implementation and are designed to facilitate and enhance the exports and imports of small and medium sizes enterprises.

Going forward, all participating DOs and Customs administrations agreed to start exchanging ITMATT with other DOs, increase the percentage of mail volumes for which ITMATT is being sent, implement a continuous improvement process to improve the quality of the Customs declaration data transmitted in the ITMATT messages and enhance the exchange of advance electronic data between DO and Customs administration at the national level.