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WCO prioritizes forward capacity building support to Guyana on strategic Trade Facilitation themes

16 октября 2018

Following the endorsement of the WCO Mercator implementation plan for Guyana, the WCO delivered a technical assistance planning mission on the key trade facilitation measures Time Release Study (TRS), Coordinated Border Management (CBM), Data Harmonization and Single Window development, in Georgetown on the 24 to 28 September 2018. This mission is part of ongoing tailor-made assistance provided to Guyana through the HMRC-WCO-UNCTAD Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) implementation programme, financially supported by the Government of the United Kingdom through Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC).

The mission aimed at supporting the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) and other trade regulatory agencies in Guyana, to strategically plan trade facilitation initiatives by adopting an effective CBM approach, and building a Single Window based on comprehensive data harmonization and streamlining of business processes. The mission also aimed at planning forward technical assistance and capacity building support to be delivered under the framework of the Mercator Programme.

Through discussions with the senior management and technical executives of the GRA, other government agencies, logistics operators and private stakeholders in Guyana, the mission team identified initial recommendations for the GRA and other government agencies including the National Trade Facilitation Committee (NTFC). The recommendations included undertaking a national Data Harmonization exercise centered on ASYCUDA World with focus on data elements required in the domain of import-export regulation that would be shared with CARICOM members for effective synergy at regional level. Another recommendation covered carrying out a business process review, to streamline all regulatory/logistic activities as part of the Single Window development. The mission also supported the GRA in engaging all trade stakeholders in establishing a TRS working group, to identify trade facilitation opportunities and challenges in terms of bottlenecks, and monitor the implementation of various improvement initiatives.

The WCO was pleased to note the strong commitment from the GRA to change and development, and the positive progress in the implementation of various initiatives such as ASYCUDA World, joint inspections and the initiation of multi-agency integrated risk management mechanisms. The WCO looks forward to continue collaborating with the GRA and other trade stakeholders to further enhance the effectiveness of the Mercator Programme in managing trade facilitation efforts in Guyana.