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The WCO assists BECD in the implementation of the AEO programme

24 июля 2019

Within the framework of the Agreement signed between the WCO and the Department of Customs and Excise of the Bahamas (BCED) in March 2018 to provide support and technical assistance for capacity building, a comprehensive training planning was set with expected outcomes and standards to reach by October 2019. One of the areas tackled is the risk management, encompassing the AEO Program. Two workshops were therefore dedicated to a brand new national AEO programme in the Bahamas. First, BCED participated actively in the WCO regional Train-the-Trainers workshop regarding AEO Validation for the Americas and Caribbean Region that was held on 27-30 May 2019. In parallel, the appointed Customs official of the Bahamas, assisted by the WCO, worked on AEO regulatory drafts, based on the WCO SAFE standards.

The AEO documentation were finalized in the course of the first in-house AEO workshop that took place on 24-27 June 2019. During the 4 day workshop, the WCO Experts and BCED Officers closely worked on preparing the pilot project for an expected kick-off in September 2019. Ten first companies were selected as potential volunteers to be part of the pilot project. A presentation of the international standards and the AEO programme was held on Thursday 27 June in front of a blended public of company representatives and 12 other Customs officials.

Last but not least, two Customs officials received a short version of training of trainers in order to be able to assist the main AEO lead official in future presentations and workshops.

Following this workshop, BCED will endorse and launch the pilot programme, in September or at the latest by the end of the WCO training.

For further information, please contact the WCO Capacity Building Directorate : Capacity.Building@wcoomd.org.