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West and Central Africa Regional Train-the-trainer Workshop on Security Project (10 -21 June 2019)

16 июля 2019

The WCO has conducted a two-week regional training on Security Project for West and Central Africa (SPWCA) from 10 to 21 June 2019, with cooperation of Benin Customs and Security Project Fund-Japan. It was the first regional training delivered by WCO in West and Central Africa. Sixteen officials (senior executives and front line officers with high potential) from nine WCA Customs Administrations and two officers from RILO West Africa and Central Africa attended the workshop.

During workshop the participants were introduced to the concepts and principles related to Global Shield Programme; they were familiarized with the chemical precursors and related components misused to manufacture Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) -“the weapon of choice” of terrorist groups in the region- and were also provided opportunities to undertake practical exercises and group discussions.

Another part of the training was dedicated to train officers on relevant equipment offered by the SPWCA to detect and analyse chemical precursors. Through the use of a specialized training centre the WCO were able to provide trainees with facilities to conduct practical training in a safe context using a number of precursor chemicals.

Building capacities through training and delivering equipment (spectrometers; field kits; nCEN; pocket guides) is one of most important added-value of WCASP which aims at reinforcing capacities and cooperation of customs community to detect and analyze such components and disrupt illicit trafficking networks in an effective and efficient manner. The project is committed to conduct more events in future in Brussels and across the WCA regions. For additional information please contact the SPWCA team, spwca@wcoomd.org.