Planning PGS operations in Asia/Pacific

24 октября 2019

The WCO Asia/Pacific Security Project and the Philippines Bureau of Customs jointly hosted a Programme Global Shield (PGS) Operation Planning and Co-ordination meeting for Asia/Pacific WCO Member Customs administrations.  The event was financially supported by the Government of Japan and took place in Manila, the Philippines from 16 to 18 October 2019.  14 Members are expected to join the PGS Operation, which will target the illicit trade in precursor chemicals and components used by terrorists to manufacture Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs).  The Members evaluated the outcomes of previous PGS Operations in the region and welcomed the participation of INTERPOL, as recognition of the significant importance of Customs/Police collaboration to the effective targeting and interception of these goods.

For further information on PGS, please contact