WCO signs an agreement with the Customs administration of Guatemala for the implementation of its CTS and nCEN applications

26 ноября 2020

On 25 November 2020, working together with the United Kingdom Border Force, the World Customs Organization (WCO) and the Superintendencia de Administración Tributaria (SAT) of Guatemala concluded agreements to deploy the WCO Cargo Targeting System (WCO CTS) and National Customs Enforcement Network (nCEN) in Guatemala. SAT, represented at the signing event by Sr. Superintendente Marco Livio Diaz Reyes and Sr. Intendente de Aduanas Werner Ovalle Ramírez, joins a growing cohort of WCO Members that are choosing to adopt the WCO CTS and nCEN as key components of their risk management strategies.

Dr. Kunio Mikuriya, WCO Secretary General, said “I am delighted with the decision of Guatemala to implement the WCO CTS and nCEN and I am confident that they will significantly enhance its risk assessment and targeting capabilities. The WCO welcomes the opportunity to work together with the United Kingdom Border Force to ensure not only that these deployments are completed promptly and effectively but that the systems will be used successfully and sustainably.”

Nick Fowler, Head of Border Force International, said “Border Force is delighted to partner with the WCO to support the introduction of the WCO CTS and nCEN in Guatemala. Partnerships of this nature deliver long-lasting operational impact for all involved and make the world a more hostile place for those who would seek to damage economies and societies through serious and organized crime and tax evasion practices. We look forward to continuing to work with the WCO to replicate this successful model in other locations around the world.”

The WCO CTS is a cargo manifest risk assessment and targeting solution developed by the WCO for the global Customs community. It allows those adopting the solution to implement international best practices, cargo risk assessments and targeting, including the key pillars of the WCO SAFE Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade.

The nCEN is a system developed by the WCO to assist Customs administrations with the collection and storage of law-enforcement information at the national level. It enables the management of information on all aspects of law-enforcement functions, including seizures, offences and suspected individuals or business entities.

For more information on the WCO CTS please contact cargotargetingsystem@wcoomd.org>

For more information on the nCEN please contact ncen@wcoomd.org