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Strategic Trade Control Enforcement (STCE) National training for Kyrgyzstan Customs

01 апреля 2021

The WCO Strategic Trade Control Enforcement (STCE) Programme delivered a virtual national training for the Customs Administration of the Kyrgyz Republic between 23 and 26 March 2021, with the aim of strengthening its capacity in combating illicit trade of Weapons of Mass Destruction and their delivery systems.

The national training was opened by some encouraging remarks by Mr. Matt Siuda, representing the STCE donor, the US EXBS Programme. He highlighted the importance of capacity building in the field of strategic goods in the Central Asian region and expressed his gratitude towards the WCO for its strong commitment in providing all its members with the necessary skills and knowledge.

The STCE team was supported in the delivery by two pre-accredited Expert trainers in the field, from the Customs Administrations of Georgia and Azerbaijan. They have successfully co-facilitated the course, by walking participants through the training curriculum, from the International Legal Framework to the Post Clearance Audit. The Kyrgyz officers who attended the event demonstrated interest in the subject by asking several questions and participating in the activities and quizzes proposed by the trainers.

At the end of the training, the WCO asked participants to provide their feedback and received a very positive evaluation, as testified by this comment from one officer: “The seminar was fruitful, we received the necessary tools for our work and improved our knowledge”.

The STCE Team hopes to follow-up with an in person training once travelling restrictions will be lifted. In the meantime, it continues organizing virtual capacity building events, as for example the first STCE training for Lusophone countries which will be delivered from 27 to 30 April 2021. For more information on the Programme and its activities, please contact WCOSecurityProgramme@wcoomd.org.