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Fiji launches new Air Cargo Control Unit in the framework of the UNODC-WCO Container Control Programme (CCP)

31 января 2022

On International Customs Day (26 January), the Fiji Revenue and Customs Service officially opened its Air Cargo Control Unit (ACCU) at Nadi International Airport.

The ACCU in Nadi complements the already established Port Control Unit (PCU) in Suva. Fiji has thus implemented the full spectrum of professional technical and training assistance provided by the UNODC-WCO Container Control Programme (CCP) in establishing dedicated risk profiling and control teams in ports and airports.

In close cooperation with the Australian Border Force (ABF), these specialized units were installed in a very short period of time; this demonstrates the dedication and commitment of the Fiji Revenue and Customs Service (FRCS) in tackling illicit cross-border trade in all its forms. In addition, FRCS also benefits from the installation of the WCO Cargo Targeting System (CTS) to improve and speed up risk profiling in the port of Suva and the airport in Nadi. Both locations are the first units in the Pacific Islands region to benefit from the CCP and the CTS.

The CEO of FRCS referred in his opening speech on the occasion of the International Customs Day and the opening of the ACCU to the importance of the use of data in a modern Customs administration both for facilitation and enforcement purposes.

Invited key stakeholders of ABF, WCO and UNODC congratulated FRCS for the commitment in building a modern data- driven Customs administration and in implementing the Container Control Programme in a smooth and cooperative process.  

For more information about the CCP, please contact us under: Compliance@wcoomd.org