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WCO CECAC Project launches a six-week training for Assistant Collectors in Karachi, Pakistan

28 января 2022

As part of the World Customs Organization (WCO) Customs Operational Practices for Enforcement and Seizures (COPES) Programme, the WCO in partnership with Pakistan Customs has launched the Customs Enforcement Curriculum for Assistant Collectors (CECAC) Project, aiming at assisting Pakistan Customs in building its capacity to enhance security and combat serious crime, particularly by preparing Pakistan’s future senior managers to address the challenges ahead.

In the framework of this project, a six-week training for sixteen Pakistan Assistant Collectors is held from 17th January till 25th February 2022. Twelve COPES accredited Experts and Consultant from around the world where mobilized to design the training material with a clear focus on border control, evidence collection and investigation technics. All Experts and Consultants will deliver training spread over the six weeks.  

The opening ceremony was chaired by Ms. Suraiya Ahmed Butt, Director General of the Directorate General of Training & Research-Customs, who expressed her appreciation to the WCO and the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL) of the United States Departement of State (US DoS) for its efforts in implementing the CECAC Project. Ms. Suraiya Ahmed Butt also stated that this training is an excellent opportunity to improve the professional standards of Assistant Collectors in Pakistan. Thereafter, Mr. Khoso, Director of the Customs Training Center of the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) in Pakistan, made an overview of the genesis of the Project up till now and apointed the excellent cooperation between the FBR and the WCO since the beginning of the Project. Finally, the opening ceremony ended with an overview of the COPES Programme followed by a summary presentation of the CECAC Project and a presentation of the COPES Experts and the participants.

The WCO would like to offer its heartfelt thanks to Pakistan Customs for their welcome and their cooperation and to the US DoS INL for its financial support and expertise on the ground.

For more information on the COPES Programme and CECAC Project, please contact COPES@wcoomd.org.