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Launch of ExciseNET, a new CENcomm platform focused on tobacco and alcohol fraud

22 июня 2022

As announced during the 42nd Session of the Enforcement Committee, the World Customs Organization (WCO) has launched a new Customs Enforcement Network Communication (CENcomm) platform, namely the closed virtual ExciseNET Experts’ Group focused on tobacco and alcohol fraud. The main aim of the platform is to provide Members with a smart communication tool to facilitate information and intelligence sharing; identify new modi operandi, trends and risk indicators; and enhance the quality and quantity of seizure data in the Global CEN Database.

This new CENcomm platform on excise goods will serve as a global network where National Contact Points (NCPs), nominated by their administrations as tobacco and alcohol experts, will look into emerging trends in illicit trafficking of this type and will drive discussions on how to tackle this phenomenon.

ExciseNET currently comprises 210 users from 93 participating WCO Members and 4 Regional Intelligence Liaison Offices (RILOs) and is the first global network on excise fraud in the Customs domain.

This tool is essential for promoting and facilitating cooperation and information sharing between Customs administrations in order to fight the illicit production, trafficking and smuggling of tobacco and alcohol around the world. The ultimate goal is to curb huge losses in national revenue and combat health risks to consumers posed by counterfeit excise products, while at the same time protecting the legal economy.

ExciseNET will be a continuous activity in the Compliance and Enforcement Action Plan and registration remains open to any other WCO Members interested in joining.