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WCO National Workshop on Post-Clearance Audit for Mongolia Customs

18 апреля 2023

The World Customs Organization (WCO) Secretariat organized a National Workshop on Post-Clearance Audit (PCA) in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia from 3 to 7 April 2023. The Workshop was funded by the Customs Cooperation Fund of Japan (CCF/Japan) and was a follow-up to the diagnostic mission conducted in August 2022.

The Deputy Director General of the Mongolian Customs General Administration (MCGA), Mr. Enkhtaivan Gelegjamts, officially opened the Workshop and gave an insightful speech, highlighting the importance of PCA for trade facilitation and revenue collection. He also expressed his deep appreciation to the WCO Secretariat and to the CCF/Japan for the ongoing support given to the MCGA.

During the Workshop, the Director General of the MCGA, Mr. Regjiibuu Otgonjargal, met the WCO experts and highlighted the importance of this Workshop for building the Customs Administration’s PCA capacity. He conveyed his profound gratitude to the WCO and CCF/Japan for their steadfast support in this critical area.

The Workshop was attended by 24 participants from the Post-Clearance Audit Department of the MCGA, who showed a high level of interest and eagerness to learn. The Workshop agenda was designed to fully meet the needs identified during the diagnostic mission conducted in August 2022. The Workshop covered a range of topics related to PCA, including the compliance approach, risk management, Customs valuation control, risk-based compliance management, audit cycle, audit planning, targeting potential subjects for audit, data analytic techniques for targeting, pre-audit research, audit execution, and audit reporting.

The discussions during the Workshop also included an important conversation about the amendment of the Mongolian Customs Law between the WCO experts, the heads of the relevant MCGA units and participants. The facilitators made an effort to support participants in further developing their PCA processes through interactive discussions and practical exercises on audit planning and targeting of auditees. The Workshop was structured to be practical and tangible, providing the participants with solutions that are fully applicable to their individual situations. The successful completion of the Workshop is expected to contribute significantly to the development of a robust PCA system within the MCGA and to have a positive impact on the latter’s PCA operations.