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30th Global RILO Meeting

03 февраля 2023

On 24th and 25th January 2023, the World Customs Organization (WCO) hosted, at its Headquarters in Brussels, the 30th Global Regional Intelligence Liaison Offices (RILO) Meeting, marking the 30th Anniversary of the creation of the RILO Network. The Meeting brought together RILO Heads from around the world to discuss various topics related to intelligence gathering, analysis and visualization, and to address challenges facing the RILO Network.

The Meeting was mainly aimed at overseeing the development and implementation of the Global RILO Network’s mission, arriving at a common approach regarding strategic and operational issues, and promoting an exchange of views, experiences and best practices among the RILOs.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Pranab Kumar Das, WCO Director for Compliance and Facilitation, emphasized the crucial role played by RILOs in supporting enforcement activities, providing capacity building and analytical support, as well as spearheading operational activities. He also expressed the WCO's continued commitment to support the RILO Network and promote its significance among Members.

During the two-day meeting, attendees learned about new intelligence tools and technologies, as well as case studies, and were invited to participate in collaborative projects such as the Global Rapid Interdiction of Dangerous Substances (GRIDS) Programme by the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB). The Meeting also discussed the outcomes of the questionnaire on RILOs and the WCO survey on "Case studies and risk indicators to identify IPR, health and safety infringing goods related to e-commerce".

In order to fulfil the expectations of the Secretariat and align with the WCO Strategic Plan, the RILOs agreed on the Action Plan 2023-2024 for the Global RILO Meeting, which includes solutions to address the RILO Network’s challenges. The Meeting then established a map of RILO competencies in each region and identified key issues for the coming year.

During the Meeting, Mr. Stefan Kirsch, Deputy Director of Enforcement and Compliance, presented a progress report on the development of the WCO Modernization Plan and the next steps in relation to its drafting, including the outcomes of the regional consultations on the current status of modernization efforts. He encouraged the RILOs to review the report, underscoring their important role in this matter.

Delegates reiterated their conviction of the relevance of this annual meeting for the Global RILO Network, as well as for the advancement of cooperation between RILOs and the WCO Secretariat.