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The WCO successfully conducted a National Risk Management Workshop in Moldova from 19 to 23 June 2023

28 июня 2023

Under the sponsorship of Customs Cooperation Fund of Germany (CCF Germany), the World Customs Organization organized a National Risk Management Workshop for the Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova from 19 to 23 June 2023 in Chişinău, Moldova. Twenty Customs officers from various departments benefitted from theory sessions, practical exercises, and discussions on risk management in Customs.

The workshop’s objectives were to enhance capacity in the area of risk management against fraudulent acts and the application of risk analysis mechanisms at the airport in accordance with international standards and good practices.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Nicolae Vutcariov, Director adjunct, șef al Departamentului antifraudă și conformare (Deputy Director, Head of Anti-Fraud and Compliance Department), highlighted the importance of risk management in Customs to effectively address emerging threats and expressed his appreciation to the WCO, CCF Germany, and the WCO experts for organizing this workshop to assist the Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova in implementing a risk management approach aligned with international standards.

Throughout the workshop, the participants were exposed to various areas and topics, including the WCO Risk Management Compendium - Volumes 1 and 2, the WCO tools and instruments, the WCO Customs Enforcement Network Suite, risk management architecture, risk register, targeting, risk-based passenger selectivity, the implementation of Advance Passenger Information (API) and Passenger Name Record (PNR), the use of open-source data, and tackling emerging risks. The WCO experts demonstrated the CEN Data Visualization tool and discussed the Illicit Trade Report. Practical exercises were conducted during the workshop to enhance participants’ risk assessment, profiling, and targeting capabilities.

The workshop concluded successfully with active participation and contributions from the participants. The participants expressed their gratitude to the WCO and its experts for sharing valuable knowledge and information in the field of risk management, which will help them further enhance their risk management capabilities.