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WCO marks International Anti-Corruption Day by showcasing tangible actions taken by Members

09 декабря 2024

On 9 December 2024, the Secretariat of the World Customs Organization (WCO) invites Customs administrations to mark International Anti-Corruption Day and join the international community in this celebration.

The WCO’s Revised Arusha Declaration - first endorsed by WCO Members in 1993 and subsequently revised in 2003 - is the foundation of the WCO’s integrity efforts, not only setting out the principles that are key to Customs administrations but also casting light on the responsibilities for preventing corruption.

“Countering corruption and promoting integrity cannot just exist in the realm of principle; it has to involve practical action and support”, stressed WCO Secretary General Ian Saunders in his message, delineating the importance of integrity to the facilitation of legitimate trade.

Integrity is a cross-cutting issue for the WCO and its Members. To ensure that it meets Members’ needs, WCO relies on three components to address integrity matters: cooperation through the Integrity Sub-Committee, standards setting through the development of tools and instruments based on Member best practices, and capacity building.

Regarding this last line of effort, the WCO Anti-Corruption and Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme, thanks to financial support by Norway and Canada, has developed key e-learning resources, guidance materials and performance measurement tools. The Programme has succeeded in strengthening integrity frameworks through enhanced anti-corruption efforts, fostering greater trust within its beneficiary Customs administrations. You can read some powerful testimonials from beneficiary countries here.

A special event, will also be held today at WCO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, bringing together WCO staff and Customs Attachés to remind everyone of the critical importance of integrity in Customs operations and discuss the best strategies for addressing corruption risks.

Message of the WCO Secretary General