Côte d’Ivoire Customs puts its national pool of Harmonized System and Rules of Origin trainers to use

26 января 2024

Under the framework of the EU-WCO HS and RoO Africa Programmes, funded by the European Union, the World Customs Organization (WCO), in partnership with the German Alliance for Trade Facilitation, through GIZ, provided assistance during the first training delivered by new trainers on HS and rules of origin within Côte d’Ivoire Customs. The workshop was held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, from 15 to 19 January 2024 and was part of an overall assistance to Côte d’Ivoire Customs in enhancing its knowledge and application of the Harmonized System and preferential rules of origin in the light of the imminent implementation of a national advance rulings mechanism. The workshop built on the skills and knowledge acquired by participants in the intermediate and advanced training and training of trainers conducted in 2023.

In their opening remarks, Mr Thierry Domy, GIZ responsible for the Côte d’Ivoire Advance Rulings Programme, and Colonel Germain Sere, Director of Training and Documentation representing the Director General of Customs, thanked the WCO and the EU for their high quality support in building capacity on HS and rules of origin. This assistance has allowed Côte d’Ivoire Customs to build a national pool of trainers who can continue the training of Customs staff, including for new intakes, and private stakeholders, in line with the national training strategy and sustainable training approach, and who will also be used for the day to day application of advance rulings.

The workshop allowed experts to put their understanding and experience on HS and rules of origin to use and further strengthen their skills to deliver training. The workshop offered the participants a unique opportunity to deliver a number of presentations in various HS and origin related topics while taking into account the facilitation and communication skills and tips learnt from the WCO experts. At the same time, the workshop allowed 25 auditors to refresh and deepen their knowledge on HS and origin.

In conclusion of the workshop, the auditors and new trainers all agreed that the workshop had been a good opportunity to dive into the very technical topics and to deploy and polish the acquired training skills.

The EU-WCO HS and RoO Africa Programmes will continue their work with Côte d’Ivoire Customs to equip Customs officials and relevant stakeholders with extended knowledge for efficient implementation and application of HS and rules of origin.

For further information please contact EU-WCORoOAfrica.Program@wcoomd.org