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Benin, Côte d’Ivoire and Togo Customs start building a pool of Programme Global Shield trainers

25 июля 2024

From 16th to 25th July 2024, WCO Programme Global Shield (PGS) has delivered a Train-the-Trainer workshop in Cotonou, Benin as part of the West Africa Security Project (WASP). Sixteen experienced Customs officers from Benin, Côte d’ Ivoire and Togo have participated in the workshop thanks to the generous support of the German Federal Foreign Office and German Customs.

The Deputy Director General (DDG) of Benin Customs, Mr. Aime Ivan Karegire, opened the workshop attended by the Head of Mission from the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany and representatives from several ministries and organizations1, among others. In his statement the DDG emphasized the importance of international cooperation for formulating a global response against transnational threats and encouraged the participants to disseminate the knowledge and skills acquired during the workshop.

This meeting of trainers aimed to help participating Customs administrations integrate the Global Shield Programme into their national training and integrate it into their regular capacity building activities. The workshop program and activities were primarily aimed at helping participants better understand the threats posed by IEDs, identify explosive precursors and other components of IEDs, take necessary security measures in the framework of the handling and storage of hazardous chemicals, to use the trade data analysis, as well as a risk management system and WCO communication tools.

In addition to the activities carried out indoors, a field visit to the Centre for Advanced Training in Post-conflict Demining and Decontamination Actions (CPADD), located in Ouidah, was also organized. Briefings and practical demonstrations by the CPADD trainers provided an opportunity to the participants to better understand the IED threat in the region, as well as the use of IED explosive precursors and other components by terrorist organizations and other non-state armed groups.

WASP will organize a PGS national workshop for Benin Customs in October 2024, and will also serve as an accreditation platform for different pre-accredited trainers to deliver the training in the presence of WCO staff.  
WASP is committed to continue supporting Customs administrations of Benin, Côte d’ Ivoire, Togo, Ghana and Nigeria.

1 (i) Center for Advanced Training in Post-conflict Demining and Decontamination Actions, (ii) National Commission for the Fight Against the Proliferation of Light Weapons, (iii) Beninese Office of Geological and mining Research