WCO Academy

WCO Academy” is the online platform where representatives from the trade community are able to access e-learning courses, webinars, books and news.

The WCO has already developed 23 Customs-focused e-learning courses covering more than 500 hours of e-training on major international instruments, topics and concepts that contribute to enhancing the work of Customs officers from across the globe, directly at their work place.

Specific courses are now available to company staffers and University students, which have been suitably adjusted to meet their needs.

Aimed at building the Customs skills of current and future trade professionals, as well as further enhancing their work performance, the WCO Academy is the ideal platform for the private sector to gain in-depth knowledge and specialized information from the WCO.

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How familiar are you with WCO Instruments and Tools?

Browse the catalog now to find the courses that you need

Interested in Customs e-learning for your team?

Let’s discuss about the available solutions for businesses

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Webinar Image

Is your company interested in representing WCO Academy?

Contact us today to find out how to become an official WCO Academy Distributor

Real-time or recorded webinars?

Browse now the webinar catalog as WCO Academy offers both

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