Instruments and Tools

Enforcement & Compliance

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Instruments and Tools

  • I2C - WCO Information & Intelligence Centre

    In the spirit of the “Globally Networked Customs” initiative, the WCO has established an “Information and Intelligence Centre (I2C)” at its HQ to facilitate communication and coordination on Customs compliance and law enforcement-related matters.

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  • WCO Cargo Targeting System

    The WCO Cargo Targeting System (WCO CTS) is a risk assessment and targeting solution for cargo manifests developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO) for Customs administrations around the globe. It enables those adopting this solution to implement international best practice in the area of cargo risk assessment, including the key pillars of the WCO’s SAFE Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade. The WCO CTS has already been successfully implemented by many Customs administrations in countries that vary greatly in terms of their size, level of economic development and cargo volumes.

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  • CEN Suite

    To enable its Members to combat transnational organized crime more effectively, the WCO has developed a global system for gathering data and information for intelligence purposes, the CEN.

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  • Guidelines

    WCO Strategic Trade Control Enforcement Implementation Guide, Guidelines for Post-Clearance Audit (PCA), Customs Enforcement Guidelines on Countering Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

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  • Compendiums

    Compendium of Customs Operational Practices for Enforcement and Seizures, WCO Customs Risk Management Compendium, Information Repository of Legislation on Border Measures for Counterfeiting and Piracy- 2012 edition

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  • Recommendations

    One of the most practical instruments for securing the highest degree of harmonization is Recommendations that have been adopted by the WCO Council.

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  • Mutual Administrative Assistance Instruments

    Customs enforcement has developed drastically over the last decades to keep pace with the tremendous increase in international trade and transport and a growing threat of trans-border organized crime.

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