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Case studies and other information

New training opportunity for the private sector

Case studies and other information

The factual impacts of sound operating Single Window environments have been appreciated by several governments. Increasingly Single Window environments are considered not only as one of the main toolkits to implement trade facilitation measures, but also powerful instrument for the overall implementation of national trade policies.

A “Single Window Environment” (SWE) is a cross border, ‘intelligent’, facility that allows parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardized information, mainly electronic, with a single entry point to fulfill all import, export and transit related regulatory requirements.

The WCO members prefer to use the term “Environment” as it highlights the systemic nature of the Single Window as a network of interdependent facilities of cross-border regulatory agencies and other stakeholders. Enabled digital cooperation through the Single Window may leverage quality services in the course of interaction between trade and government.

The establishment of the Single Window Environment enhances as well border control procedures for passengers, crews, goods and conveyance contributing to ensure supply chain security and society protection.

A Single Window Environment undoubtedly entails a complex technical ground, however other non IT dimensions related to policy, legal and administrative frameworks should be taken into consideration at the planning stage of a SW initiative.

A good way to develop understanding about a Single Window Environment is to examine the various initiatives that have been launched around the world. These provide a broad picture about different possible technical approaches to Single Window.

It is clear that data harmonization and business process re-engineering are key pieces in any such endeavor.

The following is a collection of links that lead to information on Single Window initiatives that are presently under various stages of implementation.

National SW (NSW) Case studies

This section gathers case studies per Region. (Clicking on the Region, the list of available case studies per Country is detailed as in the following table already online)

  • East and Southern Africa
  • Far East, South and South East Asia, Australasia and the Pacific Islands
  • Europe
  • West and Central Africa
  • South America, North America, Central America and the Caribbean
  • North of Africa, Near and Middle East


Region/Country Updated
Armenia 23/05/2019
Canada 15/04/2009
China 23/05/2019
France 11/02/2009




Korea 23/05/2019
Macedonia 11/02/2009
Mexico 10/02/2010
Peru 11/11/2008
Uruguay 23/05/2019


Documents available in their original language only.


Website General Contact


Sr.No. Title of the Document Added
009 APEC US International Trade Data System & ACE - April 2009 19/08/2009
008 APEC Korea Customs UCR Project - April 2009 19/08/2009
007 APEC Singapore Evolution of Single Window - April 2009 19/08/2009
006 APEC Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures SW Implementation Guide - July 2009 19/08/2009
005 APEC Chile Single Window pilot project - April 2009 16/07/2009
004 APEC Thailand National Single Window developments - April 2009 16/07/2009
003 APEC Viet Nam National Single Window developments - April 2009 16/07/2009
002 APEC Single Window Development Report - June 2007 (short version) 11/11/2008
001 APEC Single Window Development Report - June 2007 (long version) 17/11/2008


Documents available in their original language only.

Website General Contact


Sr. No. Title of the Document Added
005 Agreement on ASEAN SW 11/11/2008
004 Protocol to Establish ASEAN Single Window 11/11/2008
003 ASEAN SW Factsheet 11/11/2008
002 ASEAN Single Window Technical Guide 11/11/2008
ASEAN SW Presentation 11/11/2008


Documents available in their original language only.


Website General Contact


Sr.No. Title of the Document Added
001 Information Technology for Adoption and Intelligent Design for E-government 19/11/2008