Materials for the classification of chemical products

This page provides materials for the classification of chemical products which are parts of the Customs Laboratory Guide.

Because the Customs Laboratory Guide contains confidential information, it is only made available to WCO Members, however, in order to facilitate the classification of chemical products, the Secretariat makes non-confidential parts available to the public.

HS codes of some of the substances listed in the materials have not been officially decided by the Harmonized System Committee. In the case of doubt, official guidance should be sought from the relevant Customs administration.

Classification of polypeptides
This material includes a list of the most common amino acids with information on their chemical names, chemical structures and HS classification, ordered by either, their one letter abbreviation or their HS codes in descending order, and helps the classification of polypeptides.

Substances controlled under certain Conventions
This material includes a series of substances and their preparations controlled by the Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, the Montreal Protocol, the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Programme Global Shield together with their CAS numbers and their HS classifications and it is very helpful to identify these substances and their classifications with a view to facilitating the monitoring and control of their cross-border movements.