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Correlation Tables HS 2012 – 2017

06 мая 2015


This section contains the Tables correlating the 2012 and 2017 editions of the Harmonized System, as drawn up by the World Customs Organization Secretariat in accordance with instructions received from the Harmonized System Committee.

Though these Tables were examined by the Harmonized System Committee, they are not to be regarded as constituting classification decisions taken by that Committee; they constitute a guide published by the Secretariat and whose sole purpose is to facilitate implementation of the 2017 edition of the Harmonized System. They have no legal status.

During the discussions within the Review Sub-Committee and the Harmonized System Committee aimed at amending the HS Nomenclature, several differing views emerged concerning the present classification of certain goods, without the Committee ruling officially on their classification. It was agreed that the Tables should be as comprehensive as possible and thus include correlations supported by several Contracting Parties. The Correlation Tables might be subject to further amendments or changes. The most recent version is reproduced on the WCO Web site (www.wcoomd.org).

Table I establishes the correlation between the 2017 edition and the 2012 edition of the HS. It contains remarks opposite certain correlations briefly specifying the nature of the goods transferred. In many cases, reference has also been made to the amended legal provisions. Table I comprises the correlation resulting from both the amendments to the Nomenclature which have been accepted as a result of the WCO Council Recommendation of 27 June 2014 and the complementary amendments to the Nomenclature which have been accepted as a result of the WCO Council Recommendation of 11 June 2015.

The left-hand column of Table I refers to the HS 2017 code numbers whose scope has been changed compared with HS 2012, or which have been introduced as new entries. The middle column contains the corresponding HS 2012 code numbers, and may be preceded by "ex". This prefix indicates that the corresponding HS 2017 entry contains only part of the referenced subheading. For example, the new subheadings 0304.56 and 0304.57 contain a part of the HS 2012 code number 0304.59, which is, therefore, preceded by "ex". The other part of HS 2012 code number 0304.59 is covered by subheading 0304.51, the scope of which has been expanded, or remains in subheading 0304.59.

In some cases, however, the code number has been changed though its content remains the same. For example, subheadings 2939.71 and 2939.79 (HS 2017) have the same scope as HS 2012 code numbers 2939.91 and 2939.99, respectively. The renumbering was necessary because of the expansion of the scope of heading 29.39.

In other cases, the code number has not been changed, although the scope of the subheading did change, in particular when it concerned so-called residual subheadings. For example, code number 8472.90 has not been changed, despite the fact that the subheading now also covers the content of HS 2012 heading 84.69 (deletion of heading 84.69 due to the low volume of trade).

Table I - Annex shows the correlation between the 2017 edition and the 2012 edition of Chapter 44 of the HS, as it reads after the amendment by the WCO Council Recommendation of 27 June 2014 only. Table I - Annex is valid from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017 for Contracting Parties which are not able to implement the complementary amendments to Chapter 44 before 1 January 2018.

Table II establishes the correlation starting from the 2012 edition to the 2017 edition of the HS. It is simply a mechanical transposition of Table I and therefore includes no remarks. This Table II comprises the correlation resulting from (1) the amendments to the Nomenclature which have been accepted as a result of the WCO Council Recommendation of 27 June 2014 and (2) the complementary amendments to the Nomenclature which have been accepted as a result of the WCO Council Recommendation of 11 June 2015.

Table II contains the HS 2012 code number references in the left-hand column, with the corresponding HS 2017 entry in the right-hand column. The prefix "ex" is used in the same way as it has been used in Table I, i.e., to indicate that only a part of the subheading concerned is covered by the code number referred to in the left column.

Table II - Annex shows the correlation starting from the 2012 edition to the 2017 edition of Chapter 44 of the HS, as it reads after the amendment by the WCO Council Recommendation of 27 June 2014 only. Table II - Annex is valid from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017 for Contracting Parties which are not able to implement the complementary amendments to Chapter 44 before 1 January 2018.

For additional information about the Correlation Tables, you are advised to contact your national Customs administration. Click here for e-mail addresses of officials responsible for Harmonized System matters in national administrations, which may advise you in matters related to HS classification, decisions taken by the HS Committee and policy matters.