Use of the ICT - WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation

Digital Customs has the potential to not only improve efficiency and reduce trade costs but also achieve enhanced trade facilitation. Customs automation is closely associated with the simplification of procedures and their harmonized implementation. One of the core components of the WCO Digital Customs agenda is the ICT-enabled implementation of the WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation (TFA) through the use of WCO tools and instruments and associated capacity building measures.

The WCO has carried out an analysis of the potential use of ICT and possible implications for information management with respect to each article of Section I of the TFA. This analysis captures the relevant references, provides additional commentaries for some of the articles, and aims at exploring strategic considerations on how Digital Customs can further support the implementation of specific TFA measures and complements the Guidelines to Chapter 7 of the Revised Kyoto Convention (RKC) (the Kyoto ICT Guidelines).