Resolution of the Customs Co-operation Council on
strengthening customs-industry resilience
(June 2024)
Resolution of the Customs Co-operation Council on the
role of Customs in facilitating the cross-border movement of situationally critical medicines and vaccines
(December 2020) [
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Resolution of the Customs Co-operation Council on the
Framework of Standards on Cross-Border E-Commerce
(June 2018)
Resolution of the Policy Commission on the
Guiding Principles for Cross-Border E-Commerce
(December 2017)
Resolution of the Customs Co-Operation Council on the
Role of Customs in Preventing Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Objects
(July 2016)
Punta Cana Resolution of the WCO Policy Commission on the
role of Customs in the security context
(December 2015)
Resolution of the Policy Commission on
the Conclusion of an Agreement on Trade Facilitation by the World Trade Organization
(December 2013)
Resolution of the Policy Commission on
Air Cargo Security
(December 2011)
Resolution of the Customs Co-operation Council on the
Role of Customs in Natural Disaster relief
(June 2011) [
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Resolution of the Customs Co-operation Council on the
Global Economic Downturn
(June 2009)
Resolution of the Customs Co-operation Council on the
Role of Customs in the 21
(June 2008)
Resolution of the Customs Co-operation Council on
the Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade
(June 2006)
Resolution of the Customs Co-operation Council on
the High Level Strategic Group
(June 2005)
Resolution of the Customs Co-operation Council on the
Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade
(June 2005)
Resolution of the Customs Co-operation Council on
global security and facilitation measures concerning the international trade supply chain
(June 2004)
Resolution of the Customs Co-operation Council on
Security and Facilitation of the International Trade Supply Chain
(June 2002)
Resolution of the Customs Co-operation Council concerning
the importance of intelligence in supporting Customs enforcement activity
(June 1992)
Resolution of the Customs Co-operation Council concerning
the prevention of illicit traffic in endangered species of wild fauna and flora
(June 1991)
Resolution of the Customs Co-operation Council on the
introduction of pre-entry classification information programmes
(June 1991)
Resolution of the Customs Co-operation Council encouraging
members and customs or economic unions to become contracting parties to the United Nations Convention against illicit traffic narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances
(July 1989)
Resolution of the Customs Co-operation Council concerning
the illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances
(July 1989)
Resolution of the Customs Co-operation Council concerning
the mobilization of Members’ resources
(June 1988)
Resolution of the Customs Co-operation Council encouraging
members to adopt appropriate legislation to prevent offenders from profiting from their offences
(June 1987)
Resolution of the Customs Co-operation Council concerning
action against smuggling of works of arts and antiquities
(June 1976)
Resolution of the Customs Co-operation Council concerning
the prevention of illicit traffic in narcotics, stimulants and similar substances
(June 1967)