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Security of the Supply Chain and Commerce Facilitation

START DATE 07 十一月 2011
END DATE 08 十一月 2011
LOCATION Club Transatlantico, Sao Paulo, Brazil



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Security of the Supply Chain and Commerce Facilitation:

Challenges of the Revised Kyoto Convention




Facilitation and Security of International Commerce
The Revised Kyoto Convention


November 7 & 8, 2011


Sao Paulo, Brazil



Organized by:




English    Spanish     Portuguese 


Access to more than 10 Directors General of Revenue and Customs Administrations, Industry Leaders, Regional and Global Experts and the Secretary General of the WCO will provide insight on the opportunities and challenges that impact the competitiveness of the region. The starting point will be:

How to face the challenges of a dynamic and competitive environment within international trade? TRADE FACILITATION UNDER THE REVISED KYOTO CONVENTION


Companies today face many challenges in an increasingly competitive international market, regulations and controls at the borders have become more visible and pervasive around the world. As this has a direct impact on international commerce it is essential that all stakeholders become involved in efficiently working together to secure and facilitate trade. The establishment and implementation of standards is essential in order to enable consistency and predictability, especially with the aim of securing and facilitating the supply chain.
In this context, Latin America can share an optimistic and confident future by proactively implementing many standards to face the opportunities and challenges of international commerce. This event will provide insight for companies and those interested in improving their competitive opportunities both regionally and internationally. Additionally, experts from customs, academia, international business will discuss the importance of customs simplification, as an important pillar to promote Latin America in a very competitive Global Market. These experts will not only discuss the benefits, but the challenges and realities of adhering to the Revised Kyoto Convention.

Key themes:

  • Facilitation and Security of International Commerce and RKC
  • Regional reality of RKC, opportunities and challenges.
  • Private Sector’s role in the Facilitation and Security of International Commerce.
  • RKC’s impact on International Commerce, benefits and challenges.
  • RKC will cause what type of change?


English, Español, Portugués
Accommodation and Transport
