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2011 WCO IT Conference & Exhibition

START DATE 11 五月 2011
END DATE 13 五月 2011
LOCATION Sheraton Hotel, Seattle, USA


Day 1, 11 May 2011

Opening Ceremony of the 2011 WCO IT Conference & Exhibition
Mr. David Aguilar, Deputy Commissioner, US CBP 
Mr. Kunio Mikuriya, WCO Secretary General 
Mr. Oliver Rüss, Principal Advisor to the EU Counter Terrorism Coordinator  
Keynote Speeches
Ms. Linda Zecher, CVP Worldwide Public Sector, Microsoft Corp  - presentation
Mr. Hans van Grieken, Vice President Business Innovation, CapGemini  

Day 1, 11 May 2011

Conference Chair: Ms. Susanne Aigner, Deputy Director, Compliance & Facilitation, WCO

Keynote Address from Host Administration

Mr. Richard Spires, Chief Information Officer, DHS - presentation
Session 1: Cloud Computing: What is it. What it isn’t.
Moderator: Mr. David Evans, BULL 
Mr. Nick Small, Crown Agents  - presentation
Mr. Norbert Kouwenhoven, IBM  - presentation
Mr. Jim Canham, Accenture  - presentation

Keynote speech:

Mr. Miguel Lopera, President & CEO, GS1  

Session 2: Why is Government So Different?

Moderator: Kostas Dervenis, Intrasoft International  
Ms. Renée Stein, Nathan Associates  - presentation
Mr. Tom Butterly, UNECE  - presentation
Mr. Andre van der Post, ORACLE 

Day 2, 12 May 2011

Opening Address: Mr. Carlos Schiopetto, Inspection & Control Services (ICS)

Session 3: National Administrations

Moderator: Mr. Ibrahima Diagne, GAINDE 2000
Leading Customs administrations will present their view on outsourced data processing
Mr. David Hesketh, HM Revenue & Customs (UK) & Mr. Frank Heijmann, The Dutch Tax & Customs Administration - presentation
Ms. Anne Craig, Canada Border Services Agency - presentation
Mr. Frank Holder, Comptroller of Customs (Barbados) & Mr. Chris Thibedeau, Vice President, GreenLine Systems - presentation
Mr. Marius Papenfus, South African Revenue Service - presentation

Round Table: A Legal Storm in the Cloud ?

Moderator: Mr. Christopher Gillis, American Shipper
Mr. William J. Luddy Jr., Esq.  
Ms. Lucy L. Thomson, Esq., CSC 
Mr. James Bryce Clark, OASIS
Mr. David Satola, World Bank 
Ms. Marina Comninos, General Counsel, Electronic Shipping Solutions - presentation


TechTalk 1
No interpretation

Room A

TechTalk 2
Possibility of interpretation into English/Spanish

Room B

Mr. Gareth Lewis, WCO

Mr. Mark Emery, CSC - presentation

Mr. Satya Prasad Sahu, Technology Architecture for Coordinated Border Management incorporating Single Window - WCO

Ms. Teresa A. Weipert, Senior Executive, Accenture - presentation

Mr. Tom Butterly, Trade Facilitation Recommendations and Standards – UNECE

Mr. Chandra Dube, Inspection & Control Services (ICS) - presentation

Ms. Linda Jacksta, ACE, Office of Information Technology - CBP - presentation

Mr. Frederic Montier, BULL

Jenny Tsang, Laboratories and Scientific Services, Office of Information Technology – CBP  presentation

Mr. Jeff Musser, Senior Vice President - IS and CIO - Expeditors - presentation

Mr. T.A. Bashar, Reforms and Modernization. Nigerian Customs Service

Mr. Barry Luke, Vice President, Arctic Group - presentation
Mr. Kostas Dervenis, Intrasoft International 
Mr. Herman Van Cauwenberghe, Smart-CM, A smart Europe - Asia supply chain management project - Belgian Customs

Mr. G. Michael Rogers, Secure Supply Chain, UNISYS - presentation

Day 3, 13 May 2011

Opening Address: Ms. Linda Styrk, Seaport Division, Port of Seattle - presentation
Presentation: Korean Customs Perspective on Cloud Computing by Mr. Ki Young Kim, Director General for Planning and Cooperation - presentation

Session 4: Maritime Port Systems

Moderator: Mr. John Bescec, Trade Director, Americas Region, Microsoft Corp. - presentation
Mr. Pascal Ollivier, SOGET & Mr. Alan Long MCP Plc – representing IAPH - presentation
Mr. Kristof Waterschoot, Antwerp Port Authority - presentation
Mr. John Kok, Hutchison Port Holdings - presentation
Session 5 : Customs IT Vision
Ms. Susanne Aigner, Deputy Director, C&F, WCO - presentation
Mr. Robby Beau, Managing Director Global Trade Services FedEx - presentation
Dr. Guilherme Mambo, Mozambique Revenue Authority - presentation
Mr. Andres Monges, Paraguayan Customs - presentation
Mr. Mark Miller, Conceptivity - presentation
Closing Speeches
Mr. Charles Armstrong, Assistant Commissioner, Office of Information Technology, CBP 
Mr. Kunio Mikuriya, Secretary-General, WCO

Conference Programme


2011 WCO IT Conference & Exhibition

Cloud Computing: A New Era for Customs and Trade

Sheraton Hotel, Seattle, USA

11 to 13 May 2011

A three day conference focusing on exploring the role of information technology at the border


The World Customs Organization would like to acknowledge all our industry partners for their much valued support at the recent WCO IT Conference & Exhibition 2011 which was held in Seattle, US from the 11-13 May 2011.

Thank you for helping make the meeting a great success!