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WCO PICARD Conference 2014

START DATE 17 九月 2014
END DATE 19 九月 2014


WCO PICARD Conference 2014

(Register now on http://www.pue.itesm.mx/picard2014)


Promote Research-based Knowledge to Support Customs Decision-making


17 - 19 September 2014


Puebla, Mexico    


[en] [fr]



WCO Invitation:

[en] [fr] (WCO-SAT-TEC Joint Invitation [en] [es])

Conference Programme [en] [fr] [es]
 Agenda [en


The WCO PICARD Programme was launched in 2006 to provide a platform to promote the professional standing of Customs business and provide an ideal channel for cooperation between Customs, academic partners and other stakeholders carrying out Customs-related research.

A key aim of the annual PICARD Conference is to promote high-level exchanges on Customs research and professionalism, where participants are provided with an opportunity to interact with their government, commercial and academic counterparts from around the world.

The Conference will be jointly organized by the WCO and the Customs Administration of Mexico with support from the International Network of Customs Universities (INCU).

To learn more about the WCO PICARD Programme, please visit the WCO website, click here
Key Topics

1) The WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation: Implications for Customs

2) The Digital Dilemma in Customs

3) Customs Role in Securing Supply Chains and Preventing Illegal Trades

see details at: Call of Paper

Relevant to:

The PICARD Conference 2014 brings together Customs authorities, the academic sector, the broader business community, governmental and trade organizations.

Senior Customs executives responsible for Customs reform and modernization, human resource development, integrity and other policy issues;

Universities and research institutions with an interest in Customs-related research and education;

Trade executives and service providers; Representatives of other international organizations.


English, French, Spanish