Workshop on AEO programme, Central America

21 三月 2009
Workshop on the AEO in Central America

March 2009

On March 16 - 18, 2009, the World Customs Organization (WCO), the US Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration (USDOC), and the Servicio Nacional de Aduanas de Costa Rica developed, coordinated and hosted a workshop in San José, Costa Rica for the five Central American Customs Administration and the Dominican Republic Customs Administrations and private sector representatives

On March 16 - 18, 2009, the World Customs Organization (WCO), the US Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration (USDOC), and the Servicio Nacional de Aduanas de Costa Rica developed, coordinated and hosted a workshop in San José, Costa Rica for the five Central American Customs Administration and the Dominican Republic Customs Administrations and private sector representatives.

The Secretaria for Central American Economic Integration (SIECA) sponsored the Customs representatives and participated in the event. The workshop, titled “Authorized Economic Operator: Understanding Globalization and International Supply Chain Security” covered various topics ranging from current global situations, customs and private sectors’ responsibilities in today’s world. The most important topic was how to lay the foundation for an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) program. Distinguished guests inaugurating the workshop included Vice Minister of Hacienda, Jenny Phillips and Deputy Chief of Mission, Mr. Peter Brennan, Director General of SIECA, Ms. Laura Quinteros de Aguilera, and Mr. Desiderio Soto, Director General of the Servicio Nacional de Aduanas de Costa Rica.

The workshop hosted participants from the five Customs Administrations from Central America, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica and included was Dominican Republic. Panama was invited, however was unable to attend. Also in attendance were private sector representatives from the various Central American countries and the United States. The workshop included facilitators from the World Bank, SIECA, US CBP’s C-TPAT, Argentina Customs Administration, the WCO, USDOC.

The key success, and it was rated a success by the participants, was the dialogue it opened for the participants. This dialogue included discussions on overcoming current cultural business climates within customs and the private sector, and how to develop trust to forge a foundation for a successful AEO program. This open forum was especially significant as there was lack of trust between Customs and private businesses. Both Customs and the private sector explored the benefits of an AEO program and discussed how to collaborate on creating an AEO program.

The last day of the workshop was only open to the Customs representatives and focused on each country’ current situation, challenges, assistance needed and action plans to move forward. The Custom representatives were given tasks/plans that will facilitate the development of an action/ base plan for implementing a customs-private sector program.

This workshop was made possible through financial support from the USDOC that funded a large part of the workshop; SIECA that funded airline tickets and per diems for the Customs Administrations, allowing them to attend; and the Servicio Nacional de Aduanas de Costa Rica, who not only supplied insight into the needs of the region, but also provided logistical support. Finally, the WCO funded and provided three subject matter experts for the workshop. To these fine organizations, the WCO sends its thanks for its support in developing this program.

Finally, the workshop does not mark the end of a process but the beginning. SIECA has volunteered to host monthly conference calls with the administrations to ensure a follow up to their task/action plans. The WCO and USDOC also vocalized their support for the project and offered technical assistance to assist in developing AEO programs in Central America.