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Indonesian Finance Minister supports Customs’ role in connecting markets

28 七月 2010

Indonesian Finance Minister supports Customs’ role in connecting markets

Jakarta, 26-27 July 2010


At the invitation of Director General Thomas Sugijata of Indonesia Customs, WCO Secretary General, Kunio Mikuriya, visited Jakarta on 26 and 27 July 2010 where he met Minister of Finance Agus Martowardojo to discuss ways to consolidate the Customs reform that Indonesia had undertaken in recent years and to further increase the integration and contribution of Indonesia to the global Customs and trading system. He also participated in a Customs-business meeting to explore the way forward for their partnership approach.

Minister Agus supported the idea of Indonesian accession to the WCO Revised Kyoto Convention as a measure to consolidate Customs reform and enhance national competitiveness for trade and investment. Moreover, Customs’ role in connecting markets complements market access in line with global and regional initiatives, including those of the WTO and ASEAN. He also explored the way for better coordinated border management as the Secretary General had stressed that political leadership was an essential enabling factor. Since the national single window was well underway in Indonesia - a leading example of the ASEAN single window project - this could provide another tool for cooperation with other government agencies. Minister Agus appreciated the WCO efforts on trade facilitation and security.

During the Customs-business dialogue meeting, business representatives appreciated the current Priority Lane programme for compliant traders. They regarded the next steps in extending border facilitative measures beyond the current programme on imports and furthermore beyond Customs procedures, thus moving toward the AEO concept and coordinated border management. The Secretary General explained the global trend of Customs connecting markets with innovation and good governance. They were eager to assist Customsin getting political support to sustain Customs modernization efforts.

Secretary General Mikuriya took the opportunity to review the ongoing reform with the Customs management team covering IT (including the single window and an integrated service) and the establishment of performance service standards supported by change management, communicationwith stakeholders, and remuneration. He also visited the airport to observe Customs’ enhanced human resource management and its improved performance.