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Launch of the WCO e-learning Programme in Mongolia

17 二月 2012

Launch of the WCO e-learning Programme in Mongolia

Article provided by Mongolia Customs General Administration

Mongolian Customs launched the WCO e-learning programme translated into Mongolian on 29 December 2011 nationwide. Local customs officers working in eight customhouses were interfaced with the customs headquarters and witnessed the opening ceremony online.

Mr. D. Tseveenjav, Director General, gave a speech highlighting the importance of the e-learning programme which enables customs officers working at local customhouses as well as along the border with the length of over 8,000km to brush up with their knowledge and skills using this extremely effective interactive training tool. It empowers them to respond to operational problems and deal with the newest challenges dictated by the needs stemming from the current trading environment.

Mr. D. Tseveenjav said : ”We are proud to be one of the few Administrations among the 177 Members of the WCO which translated the WCO e-learning programme into its native language.” He thanked the WCO Secretariat for its constant support and extensive technical expertise during the translation and installation of the programme.

After a ribbon cutting ceremony, the participants were introduced more to the e-learning programme in Mongolian more in detail. The ceremony was broadcasted widely on a number of national TV channels and newspapers.

The WCO Secretariat wishes to congratulate the Mongolia Customs General Administration on their continued efforts and commitment.