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WCO Leadership and Management Development Workshop in Kenya Revenue Authority

16 七月 2012

WCO Leadership and Management Development Workshop in Kenya Revenue Authority

Mombasa, 16-26 July 2012

The WCO held a Leadership and Management Development (LMD) Workshop in Mombasa, Kenya from July 16 to 26, 2012 for the benefit of a group of Customs managers from the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA). The event was held in the context of the Project “Building Trade Capacity through Customs Modernization” funded by the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

Management development represents a key priority for the KRA whose reform and modernization efforts have lead to the implementation of significant improvements in a wide range of organizational aspects in recent years. This workshop was therefore timely and a clear response to the needs of the administration.

The LMD workshop brought together 16 middle and senior managers from all regions of Kenya and afforded an opportunity to explore several management themes such as strategic management, visioning, communication, change management, negotiations, people management and the promotion of integrity in the workplace. Throughout the workshop, participating managers were also guided through a personal development process through they can strengthen their leadership qualities.

The 2-week event was facilitated by Mr. Daniel Perrier and Ms. Elke Portz, both from the WCO Secretariat. The contents of the workshop were developed in close collaboration with Member administrations, academia and the private sector and were recently approved by Members of the organization at the Council Sessions. It constitutes a key part of a more comprehensive management development programme currently under implementation by the WCO.

For more information on the WCO Leadership and Management Development Programme, you may contact Capacity.Building@wcoomd.org

Facilitators and participants at the WCO LMD Workshop - Mombasa – July 2012