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New WCO Annual Report

02 七月 2012

New WCO Annual Report

Brus sels, 2 July 2012

Press Release

To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the World Customs Organization (WCO), the Organization published a new Annual Report that takes stock of where the WCO has been, where it is now, and where it is going, in addition to serving as a window on the many successes of the WCO, its Members and Customs’ external partners.

The Annual Report contains two major sections: the first includes a summary of the WCO’s mission, history, strategies, current activities and organizational arrangements; and the second comprises profiles of current Members, such as information on the Customs administration, the Director General and contact details, as well as data related to the administration’s operations.

Of particular note is the fact that the WCO’s 177 Member Customs administrations collectively employ approximately 800,000 staff and contribute an average of 33% of their Governments’ total tax revenue, while processing over 98% of all international trade.

The WCO’s role as the steward of global Customs standards is reflected in the Annual Report, which also presents information on how the WCO continues to assist Customs authorities to achieve their objectives, especially the effective application of controls while efficiently facilitating legitimate trade.

More information

Download the Annual Report for 2011/12 here.