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Accreditation workshop for English-speaking Expert Trainers in Customs Valuation

24 九月 2012

Accreditation workshop for English-speaking Expert Trainers in Customs Valuation
RTC Abuja, Nigeria, 24 – 28 September 2012

Accreditation workshop for English-speaking Expert Trainers in Customs Valuation 

The WCO, reinforcing its efforts to provide high-quality training and technical assistance on Customs Valuation to its Members, conducted an accreditation workshop for Expert Trainers in Customs Valuation at the RTC Abuja (Nigeria), from 24 to 28 September 2012, under the sponsorship of the CCF Japan. Fifteen participants from the WCA (West and Central Africa) Region, the MENA (Middle East and North of Africa) Region and the EAC (East African Community) countries attended the event and a total of eight officers were successfully accredited. As a result, new capacity has been created in these Regions which will facilitate the understanding of technical matters related to Customs Valuation and the use of the WCO Revenue Package material by Members, while taking account of the specificities of the these administrations.

The workshop was also a great opportunity for the Customs Valuation experts of these Regions to network, exchange experience and establish informal working contacts with each other. The participants highly appreciated the information and the insights received from the WCO facilitators and from each other.

WCO accreditation workshops are part of the WCO strategic approach to obtain wider access to Capacity Building experts and to ensure their services to the WCO Columbus Programme and other WCO modernisation initiatives. To further benefit from this momentum, a closed workshop forum has been created on the new WCO Customs Learning and Knowledge Community portal –CLiKC!-. It allows easy access to all workshop material and outputs, as well as a continued dialogue amongst the workshop participants and the facilitators.

This session was also the first WCO event which took place and was fully hosted within the WCO Regional Training Centre in Abuja, Nigeria. The participants and facilitators could fully benefit from this very recently-built modern facility since the workshop was delivered and all participants were accommodated in the RTC premises.