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WCO and Canada discuss topical Customs and trade issues

13 九月 2012

WCO and Canada discuss topical Customs and trade issues

Canada, 13 September 2012


The President of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), Luc Portelance, welcomed the Deputy Secretary General of the WCO, Sergio Mujica, on his first official visit to the Agency on 13 September 2012 for discussions on topical Customs and trade issues.

Their discussions focused on air cargo security, in particular the outcomes of the ICAO High Level Conference on Aviation Security in Montreal, emerging and evolving risks, and capacity building, as well as improved international collaboration and expanding economic competitiveness.

Following the meeting with President Portelance, the Deputy Secretary General was taken on a tour of CBSA’s National Targeting Centre and the Border Operations Centre for a demonstration of the national targeting model.