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WCO and OECD meet to discuss further cooperation

18 九月 2012

WCO and OECD meet to discuss further cooperation 

Brussels, 18 September 2012 


The Deputy Secretary General of the WCO, Sergio Mujica, and the Director of the Centre for Tax Policy and Administration at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Pascal Saint-Amans, met on 18 September 2012 to discuss further cooperation.

During the meeting, the WCO Deputy Secretary General and the OECD Director identified three main areas for further cooperation: transfer pricing and Customs valuation; compliance and enforcement, including information exchange and risk management; and capacity building.

The Centre for Tax Policy and Administration leads the OECD's work on taxation, covering international and domestic tax issues, direct and indirect taxes, tax policy and tax administration, as well as providing the tax perspective on various global issues.