At the invitation of Juan Ricardo Ortega, Director General of the Colombian Tax and Customs Authority (DIAN), and Gonzalo Covarrubias, Head of the RILO South America, WCO Deputy Secretary General Sergio Mujica attended the opening of the XIth Annual Meeting of National Contact Points held in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, on 2 October 2013. Participants discussed the main priorities and challenges for the region and agreed on an action plan.
On that occasion, the Deputy Secretary General also participated in a working meeting with Colombian private sector leaders in Bogota, where he gave a presentation on the Customs-Business Partnerships, the WCO Economic Competitiveness Package (ECP) and the Revised Kyoto Convention (RKC). The Director General of DIAN, Mr. Ortega, expressed his strong commitment to ratify the RKC in the coming months.