WCO National Intellectual Property Rights Seminar in Thailand

03 七月 2014

The Asia Pacific Regional Office for Capacity Building (ROCB A/P), in cooperation with the WCO and Thai Customs, organized a WCO National Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights at the Thai Customs Academy, in Bangkok, Thailand  from 24 to 27 June 2014 under the sponsorship of the WCO Customs Cooperation Fund/Japan.   

This seminar was also one of the celebration events of the 10th Anniversary of ROCB AP which was established in Bangkok with generous assistance from Thai Customs.   

39 participants from 10 Thai Customs Bureaus took part in the workshop, which was led by two IPR experts from the WCO and India Customs and facilitated by Mr. James Kai Wah Wong, Project Manager of ROCB A/P for South East Asia and Ms. Pariyabhat Ariyapongkoson, Program Coordinator of ROCB A/P. Workshop participants increased their knowledge and awareness of the threat posed by counterfeit goods. The application of TRIPS’ Agreement and the WCO Interface Public-Members (IPM) was also introduced.    

During the seminar, 10 representatives of right holders gave presentations on, among other things, identification of genuine and counterfeit goods. The presenters shared information on the locations of where genuine goods are produced, the normal transportation routes and descriptions of the goods. Participants were also given practical exercises in relation to risk assessment and selection of suspicious cargoes. Participants gave positive feedback and were able to apply what they had learned immediately. Participants also visited Thailand’s Department of Intellectual Property (DIP) which is responsible for the registration of various intellectual property rights such as trademarks. The department is also involved in amendments of IPR laws, coordination of law enforcement in fighting against counterfeit goods and promotion of awareness of IPR protection in Thailand. The WCO experts and the ROCB AP facilitators exchanged practical ideas with the representative of DIP concerning trademark recordation process and the active role and function of DIP in IPR protection.