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WCO hosts training on the WTO Self-Assessment Guide

18 三月 2014

As part of its efforts to support Members prepare for effective implementation of the WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation (ATF), the WCO hosted a training session on the World Trade Organization (WTO) Self-Assessment Guide which was recently updated to align with the text of the Agreement on Trade Facilitation (ATF) concluded in December 2013 in Bali.

The training session was carried out on 13 March 2014 in the WCO headquarters in collaboration with WTO official Ms. Sheri Rosenow.

The WCO supported the review of the Guide before the launch of the second round of self-assessment missions in January 2013. Additional requests for this type of assistance, designed to help developing and LDC Members categorize their ATF commitments, were submitted after the Bali Ministerial.

The training was well attended by Brussels-based Customs and Trade Attachés, including potential facilitators amongst WCO accredited officers and WCO staff. This was an opportunity to learn more about what these needs-assessment missions entail and what is expected from the facilitators and from the Host Administration.