Dominican Republic hosts a Seminar on the Harmonized System, Customs Valuation and the Revised Kyoto Convention for Dominican Republic and Haiti

09 九月 2014

With sponsorship of Caribbean Export (EU), a Seminar on the Harmonized System (HS), Customs Valuation and the Revised Kyoto Convention was held in the Regional Training Center "Prof. Juan Bosch" of Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), from 25 August to 5 September 2014. The Seminar, which was a joint initiative of the WCO, Caribbean Export and the Customs Administration of the Dominican Republic and Haïti, was attended by 70 Customs Officers from the two countries.

At the opening of the Seminar, the Director of Haïti Customs, Mr. Fresnel JEAN-BAPTISTE, and the Sub-Director of Dominican Republic Customs, Mr. Gabino JOSE POLANCO, highlighted the ongoing support of Caribbean Export and the WCO to meet the demands of their capacity building initiatives and emphasized the importance of the simplification and harmonization of the Customs procedures.

During the Seminar a wide range of HS and Customs Valuation related matters were addressed and the participants were also thoroughly informed about the fundamental principles and practicalities of HS Classification and Customs Valuation to ensure uniform application of the HS and an efficient revenue collection. The importance of a correct implementation of the Revised Kyoto Convention was also discussed in detail. The seminar, involving officers from two neighbouring countries, also provided a good opportunity for the participants to interact on common issues.

The Seminar was closed by the Deputy Director of Haïti Customs, Mr. Reynald EUGENE, the Sub-Director of Dominican Republic Customs, Mr. Gabino JOSE POLANCO, and the Deputy Director of the Bi-national Program of Caribbean Export, Ms. Yoleta AZOR, who thanked all attendants for their participation and the representatives from the WCO Secretariat and Mr. Guzman MAÑES from Uruguay Customs for facilitating the Seminar.