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India Hosts Global Shield Operational Coordination Meeting

14 八月 2015

The National Academy of Customs, Excise and Narcotics (NACEN) of India hosted Programme Global Shield's (PGS) Operational Coordination Meeting on 4-5 of August. The event was opened by the Inspector General of the National Investigation Agency, Sri P.Venkata Rama Sastry, who highlighted the importance of coordinated inter-agency cooperation in the fight against global terrorism.

The Meeting was attended by coordinators of PGS operations from Afghanistan, India, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. Additionally, representatives from private industry, police and the military added great value to the event by contributing vigorously to discussions on mobilized actions among all stakeholders. National coordinators of PGS operations reported on operational activities of the last quarter. Given the positive outcomes from these operational exercises, it was decided to continue law enforcement Customs operations in participating nations under the existing strategy.
